Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Recalled Memory

My friend who sent me the marzipan gift in the previous blog called, Nuts! Nuts! Nuts! has just read the blog and explained "Why Marzipan?" Her mom and I are life-long friends. She is now afflicted with Alzheimer's. Her daughters have always called me "Aunt Gere." This message came from Hawaii via e-mail. Isn't it great? ! !

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

YAY! I am SO glad you like your surprise! When I was a little girl, Mom and I were shopping in a specialty store, and she picked up a package of marzipan fruits. They were in a long, skinny white rectangular box wrapped with cellophane. The fruits were lined up side by side. I can distinctly remember her excitement when she saw them, “Oh, Aunt Gere loves marzipan!” Believe it or not, I can still see her picking them off the high shelf. She handed the box to me and asked me to hold it while she finished her shopping. I was completely captivated by the details of the fruits. They were so real looking! They were a work of art, and I was sure they must taste as incredible as they looked. I must have asked a hundred questions about them (and probably asked if we could get some for me), because I remember Mom telling me how they were hand painted to look real and that they were an “adult” treat. After we finished our shopping, the two of us delivered them to you at your house. You opened the box right then and there, and you offered a small piece to me. I was SO excited and felt very special to be able to share an “adult” treat. (I did not know then what a tremendous sacrifice this was on your part!). I eagerly popped it into my mouth, but unfortunately it did not taste anything like what I thought it would—I was expecting a fruity sensation, not an almond flavor! I was sorely disappointed!

For whatever reason, this memory has stayed with me all these years, and I think of you whenever I see marzipan. Enjoy every bite!


Sue 8-)

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